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What is AirPangaea?AirPangaea is the web platform to allows students/schools from around the world to link each other and work together on online collaborative projects. We aim to democratize intercultural communication and develop global citizens, contributing to the creation of one world free from prejudice and discrimination.
What is AirPangaea program like?We provide cross-border collaborative learning program for schools/ clubs/ students. Basically, each participant will become a member of a small cross-border team (2-4 students) and be assigned to complete 7 steps challenges. For more detail, please take a look at these pages below. Hope these will help you understand our program more. Challenge: Team Communication:
What benefit can I get through AirPangaea program?You will receive a digital certificate linking to your outcome posted on our website if you complete the challenge. Therefore, you can mention this in your resume. However, we believe that the biggest benefit would be the opportunity for cross-border collaborative learning in English, which allows you to make friends from around the world, to have the opportunity to practically use English, to learn different cultures and to experience enjoyment and/or difficulty in cross-border collaboration that you will face in a global business environment in the future.
Is there any requirement to participate in AirPangaea program?We do not require anything if you are a student eager to enjoy learning different cultures collaboratively. We just expect participants to commit about 5 - 10 hours per week to proceed the challenge with the team members from other countries. Notes; Fluent English competency is not required as the main communication channel for collaboration is asynchronous group chat and Google Slides. Google Account is not required and the other email address would work to access our Google Slides space and/or optional Google Meet online presentation. However, if the team would like to talk to each other via a video chat tool like Google Meets (this is not mandatory), someone on the team needs to have a Google Account to host the call and invite the other members.
What topics will we discuss in AirPangaea program?As you can see in Challenge page and/or Team Communication page, "Your team will discuss and determine what to research and compare in your team through the program period. You can choose cultural aspects like food, music and transportation, and SDGs such as no poverty and quality education, depending on your interest."
Is there any deadline to participate in AirPangaea program?No. You can start anytime because our program is on a first come first served basis. Once a club registered, the club will be basically matched with the next joining club. If you are a teacher or a representative of a school club, please contact us and we will try to find a suitable partner for your school. Then, let's discuss when we can start and end the program.
Who will lead this discussion program?We will set an orientation session and the final presentation session both of that AirPangaea staff will organize online. However, during the program, as Challenge page and/or Team Communication page show, basically descriptions in each step will guide you what to do until when, individually or as a team. One of our members will join each discussion group as a supporter so that you can ask us anytime.
How's the specific schedule of this program?The total length of the program is 4 weeks + presentation (optional). The starting date depends on when you sign up and are grouped. In some cases, we might have to let you wait for a while until other students from other countries sign up. (If you are a teacher or a representative of school clubs, please contact us and we can discuss when we can start and end the program depending on your preference.) As an option, we give participants the opportunity to make a presentation online once or twice a month, depending on participants' preference and availability. Although we know some teams might take more time, we expect them to try to make it on time as much as possible because this time constraint is also one of their challenges. You can participate in our program with different members many times if you like.
Where do ohter participants of this program come from?Currently, from Japan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Myanmer, Burkina Faso and Niger. However, some other countries' clubs are confirming the details and/or on boarding. In your signup, you can input the country or regional preference of your partner if you have any strong preference. However, as of now we do not recommend it because in most cases we have to let them wait longer.
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